- Introducing Infinite Medical Ventures
Founded by UK Eye Surgeons Tom Williamson and Sheraz Daya, Infinite Medical Ventures provides an avenue to take innovative ideas from doctors and clinicians through the process of development all the way to commercialisation
Founded by doctors – providing a unique perspective

Tom Williamson
Prof Tom H Williamson is Professor at St. Thomas’ Hospital, London.
Professor Williamson is an eye surgeon and specialist in vitreo-retinal surgery. He has published extensively in the area of retinal surgery and is the author of several books. He has been involved in innovative technologies including artificial intelligence and surgical instrumentation.
Having written his own medical record with built in outcomes analysis and performing over 500 procedures a year he has one of the world’s largest and longest retinal surgery databases/registers.
Prof Williamson has also demonstrated considerable leadership and business acumen in founding and establishing the UK’s largest collaboration of eye surgeons as well as the Claremont Clinic.

Sheraz Daya
Dr.Sheraz Daya is the founder and Chairman of Centre for Sight, UK.
He was previously the Director of the Corneoplastic Unit and Eye Bank, Queen Victoria Hospital , East Grinstead. He trained in Ophthalmology in the USA (New York and Minneapolis) and is a specialist in Cornea, anterior segment and refractive surgery.
He has been a pioneer in laser eye surgery as well as limbal stem cell transplantation. He has published extensively and is also the founding medical editor or Cataract and Refractive Surgery Today- Europe. He has been involved in innovative technologies and devised a variety of techniques and instrumentation. He works closely with the ophthalmic industry and acts as medical monitor to the laser division of Bausch and Lomb. Described by several in the industry as having a crystal ball, Sheraz Daya has been very good at identifying technologies destined for success.
Being both a surgeon and procurer of technology puts him in a position to understand what colleagues desire and prepare to acquire.
IMV Activity

Infinite Medical Ventures collaborates with a number of partners including the University of Surrey and other academic centres as well as the imaging industry.
IIMV are interested in speaking to those with innovative ideas as well as investors aligned with the founders Tom Williamson and Sheraz Daya.

Covid-19 - Catalyst for Innovation
The pandemic which in all probability will linger for time to come has been a major motivator and catalyst for innovation. Regular healthcare provision has been impaired to the detriment of patients. A complete paradigm change is taking place with technology and Artificial Intelligence likely to play a huge role.

Introducing IMVIS
The ability to remotely view in 3D facilitates teaching and promises to improve efficiency and the time taken to learn. Additionally this technology enables distancing from the patient increasing safety. The system can also be used remote consultations using Telemedicine. More to follow...

"IMVIS" - The Infinite Medical Ventures Imaging System
Combining sophisticated dual camera technology with a variety of 3D viewing devices has enabled viewing at high resolution currently at 4K and upgradeable to 8K resolution.
The large image which can be digitally enhanced is suspended in virtual space and is “better-than” the view through even the best slit lamps. High definition 2D and 3D still and video photography is also possible.
Compatible devices include VR Headsets as well as glasses-free viewing devices. Remote 3 Dimensional Slit-Lamp imaging can be performed remotely from the patient within the same room , another room in the same building or at an altogether different location and even in another country!